Tuesday, 18 November 2008

What i miss....

my cute times..

My gossiping Partner

My lady partner

My LAME and CRAZY partner

My long hairrr

and now miss someone new....

haha dunt have the permission to upload his picz. haha i guess soooo haha


mysecret said...

u missed everythin..LOL..
but, who do u miss the most?? LOL..
the last person that u said??

vialentino said...

hi hi...long time never been here...how r u doing recently?

Christine Coralline said...

my secret: hmm i kinda miss thelast person that i mentioned. haha miss u babe, go back soon from ur honeymoon.. okok bring me a lotta pics from GOLDCOAST. HAHA

Vialentino: hi hi, thx for viewing my blog. i am great. quite happy quite emotionally actually. haha...
btw, i like ur blog.. a lot of FOOD... AHAHAHA nice blog