Tuesday 29 July 2008

Weight beauty issues

Ahha.. i was thought about this posting when i decided to make my blog. haha.. after i searching and reading all blogs that spread around in this cyber world, i realize that, weight issues is one of the main issues and topic that people like to read about. haha... and the one who likes to read , including me. haha..

Struggling from the weight issue, was not a big problem for me, for now. haha felt tired and irritating about those all kind of method of slimming product and slimming center and also beauty product. but the weird things is that, i still got attract by all those kind of slimming product but norrrrr of slimming center.. haha..

Slimming center. The growth of slimming center nowadays so fast and make me think is a big "lobang" for all those who want to make quick profit for their business. Hehe, i saw a lot of advertisement about kind of slimming center product with they offer..... and plz believe me! even they offer the cheapest price, in the end u will pay more and more( haha, i had that experience towards slimming center.. and believe me, i dunt want to go there ANYMORE,i feel got cheated!!!! and the result NOTHIN!!!!!hehe, or maybe me the one who cannt follow their instruction? haha dunt knw leh... EVEN MY FREN THAT TIME JUST WANT TO GO BACK AND CANCEL THE PACKAGE.. HAHA, so irritating,)

i'm not blame to those of u who still liked and trust slimming center... maybe it is works for them, and i am also not blame to those beautician who works there, they only do what the jobs desk been told about and they earn for their living from that.Furthermore, about the equipment which they used also actually is the new innovations of the Chinese traditional machine, which is have the electricity on it. Even in the slimming center they said the machine is good ones, can burn fat and etc.. but i think is useless... haha or it is just useless for me? the new innovations of the electrical machine , is the one which make this slimming center cost so expensive. No wonders, they must keep their maintenance, upgrading here and there, in purpose to make teh customer happy and more and more believe on them.. HEhe. feels like it is just eat my money.. why it is hard to get slim? hehe.. so far.. i hope for those who want to try the slimming center, plz go ahead and not read my post. haha and i hope the result after u go there, will make u satisfied. It maybe works for u, BUT UNLCUKY, its not work on me.:(

after i google about this traditional chinese acupunture eletrical machine, i found this one...kinda scary ya.. like the electrical machine that use for death senteneced prisoners. hehe but in my opinion this machine quite good.

im also gogling about the new machine, it is also based on electrical stuff, it is upgraded machine from above, with a lot of new functions and method. but i think the system still same. hehe this is which make the slimming center cost more then acupunture. hehe

How about slimming product? There are a lot of slimming product in the market. and i think is also become it MUST list for female shoppers who always go to pharmacist of beauty store. hehe For ME, everytime go to the personal store or beauty store, im always passed through the slimming product section,haha. even im not buying but i just feel happy and fullfill my curiosity about " What is the new" things, " what is the new method?"" what is the new improvement?"haha kinda silly rite.... it makes me want to buy all those kind of slimming product. Why? because, the product is so smart. haha why? because? they usually divided all parts of female body. Maybe they divide in order tomake the lotion or the cream focus on one targeted area simultanously, but in the end it is just make me want to buy whole range of lotion for my body. hahaha.. cz the lotion for whole body ussually seldom in the market. i was googling of one lotion that i think its quite good, but cannt find. its SLIMSPA LOTION. They have 3 fragrance, orange, cucumber, and one is like chili or sumthin ( i used the orange ones) it makes ur body warm and sumtimes hot. For me use that kind of slimming product is not for make my tummy or my arms( hua,. i hate my arms.. so big!!!) but for maintaining the firmness of my skin.. i just feel all the slimming priduct sumtimes not works also.

Then what things that can work to get slimmer? u can say that i'm wrong or it is so wrong.. but trust me, i already have this experience.... FASTING... is the best! haha but even u fasting u must avoid all that kind of FATTY FOOD.... it is correct that it kinda makes u looks like bulimic or anorexic.. yap.. its true.... but as long as u can control it, and u have goal for urself, u can stay far from anorexic or bulimic. i hated model or actress who always told the media or write in the article that say" ya, during past days, im so fat, and tahts why i become anorexic/bulimic. my advice to u all young girls and female, dunt copy me, im anorexic bulimic, it is not good for ur health.there are still a lot of ways to get slim. just stay as u are, try to love urslef and accept the way u are. inner beauty is more important tahn outer... " HUAHUAHUA..... i bored and sicked to read that kind of story. WHY? why, it is because in the end after they got bulimic and anorexic they become slimmer rite? i think better to them dunt talk about this anorexic and bulimic lha, it is just make them want to show offff....around the world by advicing the wise wise suggestions and solution." dunt copy me, its not good for ur health" bleah!!!!! cuih...!!i think its better just admit that they anorexic bulimic without other excuse..... cz in the end.. they become thinner or thinest and they happy...

Beauty product. hahaha YAP, i love Beauty product, actually i dunt knw if its works on me or not, but it is alrady been my ritual habit since young, to apply all thos kind of skin care product. i had problem about pimples and scar or dark spot after the pimples gone. and after i visit National Skin Center, its become no scar and the dark spot gone. haha actually the doctir only give me 1 lotion and the rest is just stuff u can buy AT WATSONS!!! siao rite? but im not regret visit that doctor. hehe love u Doc! and he also not makes me everytime seen him... he said he dunt want to see me... haha BLUFF lha.... it is diff from jakarta where mostly the skin center makes the patient always come and come again, consult and consult again, or after not use the skin center product or medicine the skin problem appear again and they have no choice to go look after the doctor. Such a big lobang to make money ya? haha

Now im using Shiseido White Lucent.. seems is nice and make make skin glowing.
this product so good, got one the essence or serum so expensive... haha so i just take the left over of sample frm my mom or the beutician( thx for my mom, who still care about her daughter skin care...and who still willing to buy for me, haha actually, i often use the gift sample of this product, but now i got the 1 set, soap, toner, and moistuizer in small set. Student meh...so must save money.. haha)
before taht i used avene( recomendation from National Skin Center) it is also good product so far.
it is good product if ur skin have high sensitiveness and problem..

many woman especially worried about their appereances and they referring to all those kind of cat walkmodel or showbiz people. Oh yeah.. they were not wrong. we like to see something nice rite? sumthin pretty and sumthin beautiful... but how about our own standard of beauty? i think my question will have broader answer.haha for me... every woman have their own beautiness .....it is also depend on who the one sees u. im not said about the inner beauty but outer beauty... appearance... Why im not talking about inner beauty? because.. mostly.... commonly.. and it is FACT!!! people will see the outer looks 1st before move into the inner beauty... am i correct?

So for u who feel u are ugly... dunt worry.... even u UGLY but u UNIQUE, im sure u have some parts of beauty inside u, that only certain kind of people will can see truely....or maybe ur uglyness can become ur parts of beauty.....hehe....( just watch all the show, all ugly actors actress mostly get a lot of jobs haha, and maybe because they UNIQUE) and for u all the people who feel u beauty, be carefull of ur beautyness and handsomeness( haha kind of word that!!!) the outer looks will gone by the times.. u already have ur good point ( beauty), so now workin on ur inner...

so? how about me? im ugly but unique or i am pretty? hehe i prefer ugly but unique... haha( why ugly but unique sounds like im kinda some animal ya?)haha

this animal called wombat. it is originated from Australia.. i meet this wombat.... i think this animal so ugly.... nothin cute at all, but i think is unique. haha but why the wombat doll so cute,a nd this picture so cute? lets see how the real looks of wombat.

where got cute?? haha so ugly.... haha but unique..animal...

i think this one cuter ya... haha miss u kanggaroooo

ps: hope this post will help u to facing weight and beauty issues.. hehe... plz apologize me, if there are sort kind of word of sentenced that are sounds not nice or u not agreed wit it. It is only my thought and my personal experience. hehe... keep read my post ya....:)


mysecret said...

nice pic..hehehhe...
wanna come here again and see Koala??? LOL..

mysecret said...

hahahaa..cite pic..wanna come here again and see the Koala?? LOL..