Wednesday 23 July 2008

bUgIIS wit my Buddies..1

Went to Bugis AGAIN!!?? HAHA ya.. i went to Bugis again today..Before that, i went to school to meet DElon boy, to get my NELCO COUGH SYRUP.. ( Thank you for bringing that precious cough medicine, btw, this Delon boy, after went back to JAKARTA, why the appearance looks like KOREAN bOY.. haha)

who is DELON boy... haha ( taken these pics frm web... he ask to put JAYCHOU or RAIN...but i refuse.....haha)

this medicine really works for fever, cold, cough ,etc.... u take this, then sure can sleep... haha

Appointment to have lunch with LEENA and then her frens PRISCA also join us. Actually me who join them haha, cz i want to have meet LEENA and Noni at first to window shopping or just having lunch. But, in the end , like usual NONI cannt join us... such a busy person... haha no lhaa just kiddin, i think she got stress for her assignment... haha ( dunt tell me u will going to LADIES NIGHT!!!tonight! lol) hehe..

Long time not going with them.SO, LEENA told me that today they are planning to go to Bugis to find PRISCA shirt. HMmm.., i think i already sick of Bugis, but no choice .. some more its near to my place andddd some more there still have BUGIS FOOD FEST! yipiiiee.. i still can eat my SMELLY TOFU.. haha the FEST will be held until SUNDAY... ( think i can try all the food there...until SUNDAY..) HAHA

So, after meeting Delon boy, i meet LEENA straight away and take 51 to go Bugis. She is in hunger... haha she said she so hungry.. and must must must eat .... Meeting Prisca at TOPshop, and then we pass the JUnction.. and tempted by the FOODFEST. we walked through all the stall, feel want to try one by one.. haha (siao, i think if like that, sure can waste money... haha )

Passing the THAI salad mango, and i told LEENA, dunt ever dare to eat that one... its not as delicious as its saw... its not RUJAK... haha... luckily i told her, cz she also got tempted by the mango. Really la.. we think it will be like RUJAK... haha.. so I SAID," Bye-bye( with griddy smile) haha" dunt knw what is GRIDDY SMILE ya?? haha... i mean like in the soap opera, when the antagonist actress like to talk with her self, thinking about sumthin will make disaster or " sumthin bad will happen....." hahaha really like DRAMA... haha

IN the end, LEENA and PRISCA try the MUFFIn... after i told that the MUFFIN its so nice... and will not regret to try... haha so they buy cheese and walnut coffee i think.... but because its so sweet than they want to eat the main dish... LEENA want to eat kind of PADANG FOOD, so, i suggest to have opposite the junction to eat, near the bus stop. There got muslim stall, and i found mix PADANG rice.... all is coconut gravy mostly.. so PADANG isn't it? and also there got NEW AYAM PENYET, felt tempting by the ayam penyet, but in the end we decide to have that PADANG food.

so here... the main dish for today.....

this Prisca and my food, chicken curry and the lungs ( prisca)$4.00 or $4.50 ( forgot), bean tempe and chicken gizzard, less rice( my ones) $3.00


Leena ones, Chicken Rendang... its so nice... really $ 3.50

Prisca chicken curry

my chicken gizzard... can't finished it.. it is so big siaaaaa....( looks disgusting.. haha)

" hmmm nice..."

this is when they started to eat.. it looks both of them can finish it, but guess.. who cannt?haha

but not for HER!!!!


its so AUNTY wannabe.. haha...

to be continue....

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