she like to take pics... hahaha
went back at 9 plus then meet up with fren at cafe du chocholate and i have my baileys icecreammm huaa so nice.... so long never have alcohol taste... ;lol
so much pics to upload.. but no time to upload... hahah actually i just lazy to upload. hahaha
on Sunday... afternoon when to my family gathering . a lot of fams there... the food quite nice.. but im not really eat it.. but busy taking picture. Pics will update soon
late afternoon went to church with him....( huaaaa feel so nice , finally i can go to church together.... past days, i just envy looking all those couple who go to church together.. hahahha)
church finished at 7 plus.. then we eattttt at rice bowll.. its chinnese food.. but its quite nice.....
after that went to my fren's sister funeral.... huaaaa im so speechless and quite touched cz, his sis old sister still young and somemore just graduate and become doctor..... but it was just... haizz... she being pick pocketed and maybe the pick pocketer push her head or whatever it is that make her head nerves or somethin inside the brain in bleeding. she was found tremendously not in the good condition when waiting for the bus at Rawamangun station, at 9 am when someone recognized her and told his parent abt this incident. this incident occured at 9 am and she passed away at 12 am. huaaaaaaaaa so scary.... why that pickpocketer not just take her bag and leave her...( actually no one knws what really happened, this story i got it frm my fren, which is her sister. she told us is being pickpocket because her bag was no more.... GONE)
tine, are you talking abt wiwin?? duhhh... so sad dehhh.. :( kalo ketemu, salam buat wiwin yaaa!
p.s. oooohhhh.. jadi anton nihhh?? LOL
hahahha ini sapa ya?? hahaha iya kmaren ude ketemu ma wiwin kok. die sanagat amat tegar.. salut dehg.
ha? sama anton?? lol
biarlah waktu yang menjawab. haha
ohiya lupa ngetik nama.. ehhehehe..
' Sharon '
udah lama bgt ga ketemu si wiwin ntine.. dia ada facebook??
iya.. si wiwin.... kasian bgt deh. macam baruu aja cici nya baru jadi dokter... baruu jadi dokter. boooo aduhhhh
g tanya si wiwin punya facebook apa nga, katanya nga ada. hahahha
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